Thursday 25 September 2008

Stay Green...Pee in the dark...

So I guess this only applies to bathrooms with windows but, how many hours of the day do we actually need a light on when we go and pee? Unless it's pitch black no light is really needed yet switching the light on seems to have become some kind of learn-ed behaviour.

Walk in
switch the light on

It is like an instinctive set of instructions but do we really need the light on at some times of the day?

So this got me thinking, could someone invent some kind of timer system. Like opening hours when your light switch will work in your bathroom?
10pm-6am summer times
5pm-7am winter time

So if you tried to switch the light on out of hours nothing would work. Granted there maybe some time when you need it on out of hours but they are so far and few that you could just go to the monitor and click override. Obviously the monitor would have to be somewhere else in the house.

Same goes for bathrooms at work places.

If one million people, who normally switch the light on to pee at 9am when they get to work, pee with the lights out imagine how much of the worlds resources we can save.


What do you think?

Stay Green! Pee in the dark.