Tuesday 6 January 2009

Life is as long as it is short...

Friends are like balloons; once you let them go, you can't get them back. So tie them to your heart so you never lose them. The one's that don't deserve it, let them go.

Thursday 25 September 2008

Stay Green...Pee in the dark...

So I guess this only applies to bathrooms with windows but, how many hours of the day do we actually need a light on when we go and pee? Unless it's pitch black no light is really needed yet switching the light on seems to have become some kind of learn-ed behaviour.

Walk in
switch the light on

It is like an instinctive set of instructions but do we really need the light on at some times of the day?

So this got me thinking, could someone invent some kind of timer system. Like opening hours when your light switch will work in your bathroom?
10pm-6am summer times
5pm-7am winter time

So if you tried to switch the light on out of hours nothing would work. Granted there maybe some time when you need it on out of hours but they are so far and few that you could just go to the monitor and click override. Obviously the monitor would have to be somewhere else in the house.

Same goes for bathrooms at work places.

If one million people, who normally switch the light on to pee at 9am when they get to work, pee with the lights out imagine how much of the worlds resources we can save.


What do you think?

Stay Green! Pee in the dark.

Wednesday 4 June 2008

The same sky...

I struggle to last the day without a nap, sleep comes where it comes, but the naps, the naps are are vital. So today's nap took me outside on the lawn. I figured my sinus' were murdering me anyway so balls to it, I'd take a nap outside for the first time this summer. Pre nap I partook, partake, (hmm) in a hobby I like to call "stare at the sky, then stare at the sky again through a lense, then stare at the sky through the gaps in your fingers, then just stare at the sky" (I am working on a more catchy name at present but for now that is what it is affectionately known as)
So whilst staring at the sky. my overactive (but ready for a nap) brain, pondered....


I mean we don't really have our own patch of sky...you could never ask a neighbour to move their tree because it was on your patch of sky. Whose to say the patch of sky you're looking at isn't the same patch i'm looking it. I mean, it's up isn't it. So it's all about angles. You may in fact be looking at the exact same patch of sky as I and claiming it as your own. Granted there is plenty of sky to choose from but it's all about the angle you're looking up. Obviously the who hemisphere, longitude, latitude ladeda plays an important role too. But at any given point in time a a mass of people may just be staring at the patch of sky you'd secretly claimed to be yours...just for a short while anyway.

Saturday 13 October 2007

Work in Progress...

He's a smack down, motherfucker
Trying to, uncover
The truth behind
the white man,
trying to blame the purple man.
For fucking up, big time
Pouring out a crap line,
about something something,
not my fault. What was it?
something something
them that got us in the shit.
Laying blame,
"truth" he said,
serves them right,
that they're dead.

Fucked up, low IQ
who the hell, picked you!
Turn your back,
go play a game,
truth be said,
It's you to blame.
(Random Rap penned by Nadia on a random day, during a random moment)

Tuesday 18 September 2007

Logging in

Gosh I have an innate ability to pick the most thrilling topics to blog about, even having announced that this would be a one blog blog.

So, logging-in.

If you were to count how many different websites/software/hardware things you have to log in to in a week you'd be astonished. Now if you're one of those people who keeps the same username and password for everything then shame on you. We live in a password protected era. Numbers and letters or alphanumeric, as you wish. My mind is filled with all these blood passwords and they mostly just come out of my fingertips when they are needed. But then, someone invented a decoder to help life a little and remembers passwords for things you think don't really need to be password protected. So then each time you log in to the retrospective place the password is remembered. Bloody genius you may or probably not think. But then your computer cmos battery dies. (and no I shan't pretend to have the foggiest what that is) So your passwords decoders is wiped and you have to bloody guess or click that dreaded 'forgot password' button.

I used to have online banking but everytime I tried to log in, due to their weird password system I could never input it correctly and would have to call to 'unlock' my account freeze. On the 7th time I think they realised I would never make it in the world as an Internet banker and we called the whole thing off.

My point (there isn't really one) is wow we have to remember an awful lot of gunk in those brains of ours, and for the most part we do rather well. I'm impressed with us and how our species has adapted to our technological advancing habitat.

Next Week:
Why the word 'internet' appears as a word that needs capitalizing in many spell checks.


Wednesday 12 September 2007


So my pocket sized dictionary, which is bigger than any pocket i've ever seen, has been in my life since 1994. It still has the name label my mother put inside to prevent me losing it at school. I'd like to say I was hardcore and burnt it when I graduated but I didn't. I love my dictionary and I love people who use words I've not heard before because it gives me an excuse to look it up, look it up in my pocket sized dictionary from 1994. I keep it at arms length from my desk but recently it has begun to get jealous of this technological age where I now type define: [insert word here] into my google toolbar search box. Quite often. Probably quite sad to admit that but I like words. I like language. I like making up words to and making up my own grammar rules. I think you have to know and understand a rule before you can be rebellious. So I scored 100% on an alevel grammar paper and now some 5 or 6 years on I have days where I chose to write without capitals or punctuation.

So the word Blog isn't in my pocket sized dictionary, the one from 1994. Times change quickly. Even in the last 2 years the word blog, having being born as a noun is now used as an adjective, adverb, and a verb.

I'm a blogging- verb

This blog - noun

A bloggey style of conversation- adjective (may have made that one up but you just wait and see)

Bloggingly - adverb (see above0

So yes. What a world.

I probably won't blog again so this will be my only blogger blog but I needed to register to comment on other peoples blogs so here we are.