Wednesday, 12 September 2007


So my pocket sized dictionary, which is bigger than any pocket i've ever seen, has been in my life since 1994. It still has the name label my mother put inside to prevent me losing it at school. I'd like to say I was hardcore and burnt it when I graduated but I didn't. I love my dictionary and I love people who use words I've not heard before because it gives me an excuse to look it up, look it up in my pocket sized dictionary from 1994. I keep it at arms length from my desk but recently it has begun to get jealous of this technological age where I now type define: [insert word here] into my google toolbar search box. Quite often. Probably quite sad to admit that but I like words. I like language. I like making up words to and making up my own grammar rules. I think you have to know and understand a rule before you can be rebellious. So I scored 100% on an alevel grammar paper and now some 5 or 6 years on I have days where I chose to write without capitals or punctuation.

So the word Blog isn't in my pocket sized dictionary, the one from 1994. Times change quickly. Even in the last 2 years the word blog, having being born as a noun is now used as an adjective, adverb, and a verb.

I'm a blogging- verb

This blog - noun

A bloggey style of conversation- adjective (may have made that one up but you just wait and see)

Bloggingly - adverb (see above0

So yes. What a world.

I probably won't blog again so this will be my only blogger blog but I needed to register to comment on other peoples blogs so here we are.

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