Tuesday 18 September 2007

Logging in

Gosh I have an innate ability to pick the most thrilling topics to blog about, even having announced that this would be a one blog blog.

So, logging-in.

If you were to count how many different websites/software/hardware things you have to log in to in a week you'd be astonished. Now if you're one of those people who keeps the same username and password for everything then shame on you. We live in a password protected era. Numbers and letters or alphanumeric, as you wish. My mind is filled with all these blood passwords and they mostly just come out of my fingertips when they are needed. But then, someone invented a decoder to help life a little and remembers passwords for things you think don't really need to be password protected. So then each time you log in to the retrospective place the password is remembered. Bloody genius you may or probably not think. But then your computer cmos battery dies. (and no I shan't pretend to have the foggiest what that is) So your passwords decoders is wiped and you have to bloody guess or click that dreaded 'forgot password' button.

I used to have online banking but everytime I tried to log in, due to their weird password system I could never input it correctly and would have to call to 'unlock' my account freeze. On the 7th time I think they realised I would never make it in the world as an Internet banker and we called the whole thing off.

My point (there isn't really one) is wow we have to remember an awful lot of gunk in those brains of ours, and for the most part we do rather well. I'm impressed with us and how our species has adapted to our technological advancing habitat.

Next Week:
Why the word 'internet' appears as a word that needs capitalizing in many spell checks.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.